Silver Lining
Pet Rescue Inc
Helping our pets find their silver lining in forever homes!
Our loyal supporters can enjoy the below benefits when using our code at the stores checkout.
Silver Lining Pet Rescue are pleased to welcome Pet Supplies Empire on board as one of our supporters! When you shop with them you will receive 15% off everything.
Just use the coupon code: silverlining15%off
“Is FREE flea tick and worm protection and SUPPORTING our rescue group of interest to you? Just use our unique discount code.
We’ve proudly partnered with Pet Lovers Club to help keep doggos and kitties free from parasites, to offer our pet loving community a great deal…. and they’ll donate $20 when our code is used!
Dr Lydia and the team are dedicated pet lovers who are committed to promoting the health and well-being of dogs and cats and are passionate about supporting rescue organisations.
Pet Lovers Club delivers complete flea, tick worm and heartworm protection to your home every month for 30% to 40% less, so you never forget, and if you have more than one pet, you’ll get a further ongoing 10% discount.
To get this exclusive FREE FIRST MONTH offer use our unique code “SILVERLINING” at the checkout.